Install Mod Suexec Centos

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Active1 year, 1 month ago

How to enable mod_rewrite on Apache on CentOS Introduction The Apache mod_rewrite is a very powerful and sophisticated module which provides a way to perform URL manipulations.

My goal is to optimize my apache server. At first I want to disable some modules on it. I was surfing over the Internet and didn't find anything dedicated to apache which is installed on CentOS7. Here are what I have got from surfing: disable unneeded modules,enable apache modules from the command line and on.I can list Apache enabled modules using this httpd -t command. Also I know that modules that were compiled during the installation is lying in /etc/httpd/modules directory.

So what is the right way of disabling and enabling apache modules on CentOS7?

Jeff Schaller

Mod Suexec

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Install Mod_suexec Centos

3 Answers

Install mod suexec centos 7

Mod Suexec

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Install Mod_suexec Centos

3 Answers

On CentOS 7, the right way to do it is to go through /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d and find the appropriate conf files with the modules you want to disable. You can also check /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, but you'll have better luck in the conf.modules.d folder.

Simply comment them out, reload apache, and you're good to go.


With /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d or /etc/httpd/conf.d, the principles are the same: to disable a module or a configuration file, rename its file extension to something different from .conf.

Install Mod Suexec Centos 11


Install Mod Suexec Centos Server

I created a small python script to help you with it.Please have a look at

Install Mod Suexec Centos 7

This is what you can expect from it:


Install Mod Suexec Centos 10

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